HR Polysem medical nitrilne rukavice – preporuka stručnjaka ENG Polysem medical nitril gloves – expert recommendation

U kontinuiranoj potrazi za kvalitetnijim sredstvima za rad naišli smo na Nitrilne rukavice Polysem medical proizvođača Didactic Francuska.
Svojim karakteristikama rastezljivosti i udobnosti pripadaju samome vrhu kvalitete, dok se od ostalih izdvajaju svojstvom da se tokom njihovog korištenja instrumenti ne kližu u rukama, što uvelike pridonosi preciznosti, a time i sigurnosti u radu.
Stoga nitrilne rukavice Polysem medical izdvajam kao najbolje i preporučujem ih za korištenje.
Sveta Nedjelja, 27. rujan, 2022, Ivan Gabriša, univ. mag. med. dent.
In the continuous search for better quality means of work, we came across Nitrile gloves Polysem medical produced by Didactic France.
Due to their characteristics of stretchability and comfort, they belong to the very top of quality, while they stand out from the rest because the instruments do not slip in the hands during their use, which greatly contributes to precision and thus safety in work.
Therefore, I single out Polysem medical nitrile gloves as the best and recommend them for use.
Sveta Nedjelja, 27. rujan, 2022, Ivan Gabriša, univ. mag. med. dent.
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